This blog is about ME :)

So I realise that if I am going to start blogging regularly, everyone who is reading might want to know who I am and whether I know a thing or two about what I’m talking about! Well, today I’m going to write all about me and my journey.

Where to start? Ok, right. So back in 1987, on the sunny island of Malta, a beautiful girl was born. I’m joking! It was a cold winter’s day and I was wrinkly and squishy. No, no, I’m kidding around. I’m not going to tell you my full life story; I’d be writing for ages, and you would probably be bored by the time I lost my first tooth. Let’s start again…

My hairdressing career started when I was still 15. I used to go to a neighborhood salon and help out on the days I was not at school. From there, I went on to hairdressing college, which was a fun two years. I spent every single Saturday in the salon, most of which was observation, shampooing, and sweeping but I’m proud of those days nonetheless!

Once I qualified, I flew off to Australia for a year. My visa permitted me to work and hop around a few salons. Over there, I learned to work on a larger diversity of hair types than I would have found in Malta.

I got back to Malta for a couple of years and worked in a salon again, but I couldn’t sit still. I wanted to run off again, so off I went to work in a salon on a cruise ship. Not only did I extend my experiences, but I also got to learn to speak Spanish too — double whammy. :)

Back home again and back in a salon, and once again, I needed to fly. One hairdresser friend liked to refer to me as a butterfly. I’m sure it will bring a smile to his face when he reads this. So this time, after a while, I got a job on a TV show… Which one, you ask? Well, Game Of Thrones, of course! They were filming in Malta in 2010, and I got a job helping with the hair team. That season came to an end, and I needed something new yet again…

In 2011 I came to the UK, London to be exact. I spent a few years in a few salons. You might have noticed a pattern here by now; I can never sit still. I always wanted to explore the next place. After a while, I realized it wasn’t the salons; it was the job, more specifically, the specialty of the job. I started to explore the bridal hairstylist world, and I LOVED IT!

I quit the salons and wanted to be fully immersed in the bridal world. Obviously, nothing happens overnight, so I worked with a few agencies that got me to do some high-end clients around the London hotels, some of which were celebrities and Bafta guests, I worked on some editorial shoots too. It was good fun, but I still mostly wanted weddings. So I started working with a couple of bridal agencies to get my name out there. It took a couple of years bobbing around from job to job, but soon enough, I had my own business - Moira Borg Bridal Hairstylist. I’ve been doing it alone for approximately 8 years now, and I’ve loved every minute.

I moved to Nottingham in 2018, became a mum in 2019, and again in 2021, and I have been rocking mum life and bridal hairstylist life ever since. I cannot be happier where my journey has brought me, and now I’m even happier that I can start sharing my knowledge and expertise via my blogs.

Please come back and check out more of my blog posts. I’m going to try and write one every week! I will happily take suggestions so please get in touch and ask about any subject (within my knowledge, I’m not Google) and I’ll write about it.

Thanks for reading! 


Photo Credits from top to bottom:

Ray Burmiston

Alice Boagey

My partner with my phone :) 

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