Why Choose a Bridal Hairstylist over your hairdresser?

Hairdresser or Bridal Hairstylist? 

As a hairdresser with over 20 years of experience, I’ve spent the last 10 years specializing in bridal hairstyling. With my firsthand experience in both fields, I can confidently say that there is a difference between a hairdresser and a bridal hairstylist. In this blog post, I’ll explain why choosing a bridal hairstylist for your big day can make all the difference.

Bridal Hair process

A bridal hairstylist is a hairstylist who specializes in creating wedding hairstyles for brides and bridal parties. They typically travel to the bride’s location on the day of the wedding to provide on-site hair styling services. Bridal hairstylists have specialized training and experience in creating intricate and long-lasting hairstyles that will hold up throughout the wedding day. They are also experienced in working with different bridal hair accessories such as veils, headbands, and flower crowns. 

On the other hand, a salon hairdresser is a hairstylist who primarily works in a salon environment, providing haircuts, color, and styling services to a wide range of clients. While they may have bridal styling experience, their expertise may not be as focused on creating specialized bridal hairstyles.

Salon hairdressers may not be as experienced in working with bridal hair accessories, and they may not have as much experience in managing the timing and logistics of wedding day hair styling. Ultimately, it depends on the needs of the bride and the specific skills and experience of the hairstylist. While some brides may prefer to work with a bridal hairstylist who specializes in bridal styling, others may feel more comfortable working with a salon hairdresser who they already know and trust. 

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